Appeal and Subjectivity

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Patricio Mena Malet


The present text asks whether it is possible to recognize a philosophy of appeal in Paul Ricœur's hermeneutic phenomenology, and whether it can enter dialogue with those phenomenologies that have explicitly developed it, such as that of Jean-Luc Marion. Without attempting to compare the two paths of thought, we first propose a brief examination of Marion's main theses on appeal, and then examine two possible ways in Ricœur's philosophy from which appeal can be thought: a) the philosophy of will (1950) and the philosophy of request (1990).


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Mena Malet, P. (2024). Appeal and Subjectivity. Revista De Filosofía (La Plata), 54(2), e109.
Dosier: Paul Ricoeur: Las ciencias sociales y humanas en diálogo


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