Photography in Russian symbolism and constructivism. Reflections on his ontology

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Renata Carla Finelli


The present work examines the photographic images published in the pre-revolutionary magazine Mir iskusstva, understood as one of the Russian symbolism icons of the end of century, and compare them with the photos of the constructivist magazines LEF and Novyy LEF, flagship journals of the Soviet avant-garde of the beginning of the twentieth century. The main hypothesis argues that each magazine defined photography according to the beliefs and convictions of each artistic context. As a secondary hypothesis, affirm that photography is intimately linked to its time and that it was the discourses of each historical context that determined its ontology.


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Finelli, R. C. . (2022). Photography in Russian symbolism and constructivism. Reflections on his ontology. Revista De Filosofía (La Plata), 52(1), e040.


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