From world of life to narrative identity. Mario Presas in Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía (1975-2000)

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Gerardo Oviedo


In this article we will analyze the articles published by Mario Presas in the Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, in the period from 1975 to 2000. The purpose is to outline an overall approach to this corpus, basically distinguishing two periods of its intellectual development. The first focuses on phenomenological and existential aspects of temporality and corporality in the context of lifeworld research. The second deals with the analysis of aesthetic and hermeneutical problems of textual and artistic reception, with particular emphasis on the constitutive operations of the reading activity. According to the author, this evolution can be summarized as a reflection that leads from being to words. In the work we maintain that the philosophical journey of Mario Presas, through a coherent deployment of the theme that connects the world of life with the narrative identity through the act of reading, allows us to understand that the aesthetic experience is an essential dimension of the human existent.


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Oviedo , G. (2023). From world of life to narrative identity. Mario Presas in Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía (1975-2000). Revista De Filosofía (La Plata), 53(2), e079.
Dosier: En torno a la obra de Mario Presas en sus 90 años


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