The centrality of the aesthetic experience in Mario Presas. Comments to Del Ser a la Palabra
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Del Ser a la Palabra is a compilation of articles that cover some forty years of philosophical reflection. The thematic axis is the aesthetic experience, its urgency, its density and relevance for existence. In this work I risk to analyze some of the central concepts of the text. Of course, many will be left out. The path begins with an overview of the Husserlian concept of Lebenswelt, and culminates with an analysis of catharsis (its relationship with rhetoric and hermeneutics). In the middle I will stop, briefly, in the aspect of our existence that makes the aesthetic experience necessary. In other words, the aesthetic experience comes to fill a structural lack of man, so it is convenient to articulate (make feel) this lack. After a brief stay in the idea of art as recovery and return, I turn to two of the notions on which Presas insists: mimesis and catharsis. Of the first I highlight two things: the effect it has on temporality, and the rehabilitation of the power of aisthesis. Regarding catharsis, I relate it to the rhetorical notion of flectere and to the legal and theological notion of applicatio.
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